Shabbat and Holiday Celebrations

We welcome guests and visitors to join our informal and personal worship services and holiday celebrations, where we always include time for sharing news about our lives. We have returned to in-person services and celebrations, and it has been wonderful. On the other hand, we have found that Zoom actually suits some of us, so we are trying to also include Zoom options for many of our in-person services, celebrations, and events. Whether in-person or online, we strive for connection and warmth. We’d love to have you join us.

For Temple Emanu-El’s Music YouTube channel that includes songs we sing during services, click here: music.

Judy Greenstein next to our Torah arkShabbat Services – An Overview

Our Friday evening services are generally led by Rabbi Drorah Setel with cantorial soloist Charlene Sommers and one or more accompanists including Rabbi Sandra Katz, Bob Dietch, and Dave Schwartz. Our fall and winter services start at 7pm; on the last Friday of the month, we generally have a combined Shabbat service and potluck dinner that begins at 6pm.

Fifth Friday Shabbat Dinners in 2025: Jan 31, May 30, Aug 29, and Oct 31

In several of the months that have five Fridays, small groups of Temple members gather in different homes to share a meal, reflect on Shabbat, and enjoy each other’s company. Each host provides a main course, guests bring a dish to pass, and hosts will have a suggested program to help guide the evening and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere. For more information and to express your interest in being a guest (or a host!), contact Jo-Ann, our office administrator (, 585-461-2000, ex 203).

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services in 2025: Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 19, and May 17, at 10:30 am in the TechAge Room

Join us on for a spirited and engaging Shabbat service including Torah reading and discussion. We’ll be using our Reform prayerbook. All ages welcome. Childcare provided.

[Photo: Temple Emanu-El’s Torah ark with member Judy Greenstein. The ark was handcrafted by Julius Dorsey.]

Shabbat candles and wine cupUpcoming Shabbat Services

Sat, Mar 15, Morning Shabbat Service, 10:30am in the TechAge Room at the JCC (Enter the building through the main entrance across from the main parking lot). Join us on for a spirited and engaging Shabbat service including Torah reading and discussion. We’ll be using our Reform prayerbook. All ages welcome. Childcare provided.

Fri, Mar 21, Shabbat Service, 7pm in the Lipson Lounge at the JCC (Enter the building through the main entrance across from the main parking lot). Our service will be led by Rabbi Drorah Setel accompanied by Charlene Sommers.

Fri, Mar 28, Shabbat Service and Potluck Dinner, 6pm in the Lipson Lounge at the JCC (Enter the building through the main entrance across from the main parking lot). Our service will be led by Rabbi Drorah Setel. Participants are asked to bring a dish to share along with an ingredient list to help those with dietary concerns. [No meat, poultry, or shellfish, please, and vegan and gluten-free options are always welcome.]

Colorful masks and hamantaschenPurim

Friday, Mar 14, 7pm – 9pm in the TechAge Room at the JCC

Join us for a combination Purim Spiel and Trivia Quiz!

As always, our schpiel will be a funny and modern take on a classic. We’ll have trivial quiz rounds during breaks, including general and Jewish knowledge questions. Bring friends to form teams of 4-6, or get matched when you arrive! We’ll provide treats, refreshments, and a fantastic musical soundtrack to the evening provided by Charlene Sommers, Bob Dietch and others. Interested in participating in this year’s Purium Spiel? Contact Charlene at

matzah and wineglass in a fieldPassover – Temple Emanu-El’s Community Potluck Seder

Sunday, Apr 13, 5pm at the JCC

Join us for this year’s Temple Emanu-El Community Seder. We’ll gather on the second night of Passover for a Seder dinner, singing, story, and community.

We ask that everyone who would like to attend bring a dairy or vegan Kosher for Passover dish to pass. For folks whose last names start with A – G, please bring a salad; H – S, please bring a main dish; and T – Z, please bring a dessert. Drinks, matzah, and the ceremonial foods of the seder plate will be provided.

Complete Information (Including What’s Kosher for Passover) is available in the RSVP form that follows.

There is no charge for attendance, but please rsvp so that we can plan for the seating and food.

Community Seder RSVP

Here’s what you need to know to join services that feature Zoom:

For most services and holiday celebrations (except our High Holiday services and Hanukkah candle lighting), when we are on Zoom, you can join by phone by calling 1-929-205-6099 and using meeting ID 859 5479 0326, or by clicking on the Zoom link that follows.

Shabbat Service Zoom Link

We use the Reform Movement’s Mishkan T’filah prayer book for our Shabbat services. Temple Emanu-El members may check out a copy of the prayer book from our office (585-461-2000, ext 203 or Kindle and print versions of the prayer book can be purchased from the CCAR Press website – there are several options, eg Shabbat only, Shabbat + Weekdays and Festivals, transliterations included, no transliterations, etc.

We also sometimes use supplemental service handouts: Supplement1, Supplement2, Supplement3, Supplement4, Supplement5, Supplement6, Supplement7, and Supplement8. (For convenience, you may want to print these out and put them in order in a binder.) The service descriptions, above, will indicate if we’ll be using supplemental handouts.

[Photo: Temple Emanu-El’s reading desk with member Gary Horwitz, who designed and handcrafted it. Photo by member Carl Wetzstein.]

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