Who We Are

Sukkot celebration - We all fit under the sukkahTemple Emanu-El is a Reform Jewish community, deliberately kept small and informal, with a focus on learning, worship, and friendship. We’re a participatory, hands-on group who likes to “do Jewish” together. We offer free admission – no tickets, no fees – to our High Holiday services and events in the hope that newcomers will feel especially welcome to join with us on these holiest of days. But we also offer so much more… the joy of attending our Tashlich-by-the-lake, noshing under our Sukkah, dancing on Simchat Torah, enjoying latkes and a dozen simultaneously lit menorahs at Hanukkah, participating in the mid-winter Celebration of the Trees on Tu B’Shevat, masquerading at our Purim megillah reading and carnival, being part of our annual congregational Passover seder, and relaxing with Friday evening deep breaths to pause and honor Shabbat each week.

Our Rabbi

Headshot of Rabbi Drorah SetelRabbi Drorah Setel came to us in 2015, after serving communities in Niagara Falls NY, Seattle WA, and Los Angeles CA. Her rabbinate has focused on integrating and balancing spiritual practice, study, and work for social justice within congregational life. Rabbi Setel’s intelligence and enthusiasm can be seen in each of these areas at Temple Emanu-El. As a spiritual leader, teacher, and organizer, she has sought to encourage and involve our members in pursuing a meaningful Jewish life.

Rabbi Setel welcomes the opportunity to meet anyone seeking a connection to Judaism. Please get in touch so that she can arrange a time to get together: rabbisetel@gmail.com or 585-461-2000, ext 203.

To learn more about Rabbi Setel, click here.


Rabbi Drorah Setel leads Shabbat services every Friday evening, Torah Study groups every Saturday morning, Judaism classes throughout the year, and a Rabbi’s Book Club every few months. We offer free Hebrew classes, Hebrew tutoring, and preparation for B-mitzvah – for all ages. For a listing of our programs, click here.

Tikkun Olam

As Reform Jews, we participate actively in Tikkun Olam, “repair of the world.” Our social justice work is done in a variety of ways: education on the issues, advocacy for specific policies and legislation, and implementing our vision through direct action and service.

For more information, contact our Temple office (emanuelrochester.org, 585-461-2000, ext 203), or simply come to our next Tikkun Olam Team meeting. All are welcome – we’d love to have your input and help.


Many of our members are actively involved in running our synagogue and contributing to our services, programs, and events. Click here to learn more.

We invite you to wander

Please wander through our website and get to know us further. Better yet, please feel warmly invited to come to any of our events and Shabbat Services. We would love to meet you!


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