"Community Passover Seder" on blue background with illustrations of a seder plate, wine, and matzah

Celebrate the second night of Passover with us! We’ll gather for a Seder dinner on Sunday, April 13 at 5pm. Our evening will be filled with singing, storytelling, and community. As part of our tradition, we invite everyone to bring a dish to share for the potluck portion of the meal. Soup and ritual foods will be provided. It’s a wonderful way to come together, share in the holiday, and enjoy each other’s cooking. There is no charge for attendance, but please rsvp so that we can plan for the seating and food. We look forward to seeing you there!

More Seder Information and RSVP form

קהילת עמנו אל

K’hilat Imanu El – Our Emanu-El Congregation





תקון אולם

Tikkun Olam
Mending the World

Shalom and thanks for visiting our Temple Emanu-El website

We are a Reform Jewish Congregation in Rochester, New York. Our members are Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and those drawn to Judaism, including multiracial, LGBTQ+, and interfaith households. We see ourselves as a family, where everyone’s participation is sought and appreciated. We invite you to attend our services and events, and share in our warm, informal approach to Reform Judaism.

Coming Up at Temple Emanu-El

Chevre Torah Study Groups Online

Sat, Mar 22, 10am and 11:05am via Zoom

Sit ‘n Stitch

Tues, Mar 25, 10:30am at the JCC

Exploring Jewishness

Wed, Mar 26, 7pm via Zoom

Shabbat Potluck Dinner and Service

Fri, Mar 28, 6pm at the JCC

Chevre Torah Study Groups Online

Sat, Mar 29, 10am and 11:05am via Zoom

Chesed Caring Community Team Meeting Online

Tues, Apr 1, 6:15pm via Zoom

Hospitality Team Meeting Online

Tues, Apr 1, 7pm via Zoom

Exploring Jewishness

Wed, Apr 2, 7pm via Zoom

See Our Full Calendar of Services and Events

Rabbi Drorah Setel’s Mar 12 Message

“Don’t be foolish!” is meant to be an obvious reprimand. But what’s wrong with being foolish or silly or even childish? It depends on the context of course, but too many of us adults lose or restrict our gaiety as we get older. Our Jewish tradition recognizes both the necessity and pleasure of playfulness in the observance of Purim. As we get ready for the joy of spring, the holiday lets us loosen up for the more profound freedom of Passover.

Read Rabbi Setel’s Complete Message


During our services, holiday celebrations, and events, masks and social distance seating are available upon request.

California Wildfires

Support Those Affected by the Wildfires


TigerChat is a phone app that allows you to converse with or listen to another person or group using automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology that converts spoken words into typed text. The app was designed to work on the RIT campus, and RIT has extended it so that it now also works in the JCC.

More Information

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