L’Shanah Tovah – Wishing You a Good Year!
Our High Holiday offerings are open to all – anyone and everyone is invited to join us!
As always, all of our High Holiday offerings are free.
To help us plan for seating, refreshments, and other considerations, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for all services (except S’lichot) prior to attending. Please register as early as possible, and at least a day or two before the first service or event that you wish to attend.
Complete High Holidays Information
Register to attend our High Holiday Services
Check Out Rabbi Setel’s High Holiday Resource List
Join Us for Two Courses
by Rabbi Drorah Setel
Hope for the Holidays – an Elul course
Wed evenings: Sept 4, 18, and 25 at 7pm
Thurs mornings: Sept 5, 19, and 26 at 11am
This series is intended to give participants opportunities to express their concerns about issues such as the rise of antisemitism, the war in Gaza, and the threat of autocracy, while offering wisdom from the Jewish tradition about how we address them, so that we might enter the High Holidays with a greater sense of clarity and hope. Additional information can be found here.
[Image by Mystic Art Design courtesy of Pixabay]
Sunday evenings: Sept 15, 22, 29 at 7pm via Zoom
In this series we will learn about different ideas of Zionism: political Zionism (the movement to establish a Jewish state in the land of Israel), Revisionism (the form of Zionism underlying the current Israeli government), and the “forgotten” ideas of cultural and binational Zionism (thinking that did not see a state as necessary to a Jewish homeland and which inform some of the contemporary debates about Jewish government and self determination. Additional information, including class readings and sign in instructions, can be found here.
קהילת עמנו אל
K’hilat Imanu El – Our Emanu-El Congregation
תקון אולם
Tikkun Olam
Mending the World
Shalom and thanks for visiting our Temple Emanu-El website
We are a Reform Jewish Congregation in Rochester, New York. Our members are Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and those drawn to Judaism, including multiracial, LGBTQ+, and interfaith households. We see ourselves as a family, where everyone’s participation is sought and appreciated. We invite you to attend our services and events, and share in our warm, informal approach to Reform Judaism.
Coming Up at Temple Emanu-El
Hope for the Holidays
Thurs, Sept 19, 11am at the JCC
Shabbat Service
Fri, Sept 20, 6pm at the JCC
Chevre Torah Study Groups Online
Sat, Sept 21, 10am and 11:05am via Zoom
Sun, Sept 22, 11am – 5pm at the JCC
Sun, Sept 22, 7pm via Zoom
Sit ‘n Stitch
Tues, Sept 24, 10:30am at the JCC
Get Out the Vote Postcard Party
Wed, Sept 25, 6pm at the JCC
Hope for the Holidays
Wed, Sept 25, 7pm at the JCC
See Our Full Calendar of Services and Events
Rabbi Drorah Setel’s Sept 4 Message
These past few days I’ve been thinking about a quotation from the Book of Jeremiah:
A cry is heard in Ramah –
Wailing, bitter weeping –
Rachel weeping for her children.
She refuses to be comforted
For her children, who are gone.
Those of us who heard Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin speak at the Democratic Convention know that we cannot begin to imagine the grief they are experiencing. We also know that this grief is expanded five-fold to the families of the other hostages murdered last week. And over 700-fold to the families of Israeli soldiers who have died in Gaza. And tens of thousands-fold to the families of the Palestinians killed in Gaza.
Our Covid Policy
We are following the Covid risk for Monroe County as reported by the U.S. Covid Tracker on the CovidActNow website:
—When the risk of Covid is low, masking at Temple Emanu-El is optional.
—When the risk of Covid is medium, masking at Temple Emanu-El is required. We urge attendees to use N95 or KN95 masks. Masks will be available for those who need one.
—When the risk of Covid is high, we will meet via Zoom only.
TigerChat – Aiding Communication
TigerChat is a phone app that’s been developed by the Center on Access Technology at RIT. The app allows you to converse with or listen to another person or group using automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology that converts spoken words into typed text. You can read our services as they happen! The app was designed to work on the RIT campus, and RIT has extended it so that it now also works in the JCC.