Title: Framed Hebrew Calendar Pages
Size: 13½” w x 13½” h
Left: The Hebrew in the left picture says, “Melech Ha-Olam Borai Peri Ha-Gafen” – “Sovereign of the Universe, Creator of the Fruit of the Vine” – the last four words of the Shabbat blessing over wine. The small print in the bottom white margin says, “Illustrated page from the Darmstad Haggadah 1430.”
Right: The large Hebrew word in the right picture says, “Baruch” – “Blessed.” The small print in the bottom white margin says, “Illustrated page from Tur Haezer, Spain 1475; The British Library, London, 1475.”
History: From a calendar purchased at the Diaspora Museum, Tel Aviv, 1989. Donated to Temple Emanu-El by Carl Wetzstein